Ophalen op de luchthaven van Casablanca, afzetten op de luchthaven van Marrakech
14 dagen, volledig begeleide tour met 4×4 of minibusje en bekwame chauffeur
De groep wordt begeleid door een officieel gecertificeerde gids. Engels sprekend
13 nachten in 3-sterrenhotels/riads of een gite (landelijk hotel)
Ontbijt inbegrepen, lunch en diner inbegrepen in de Sahara-woestijn
Kameelrit door de Sahara-woestijn
Stadsrondleiding in Fes, Marrakech en Essaouira
Over deze reis
Altijd al gedroomd van een bezoek aan het magische Marokko? De sfeer in de mysterieuze plaatsen als de soeks Fes en Marrakech proeven? Dwalen door blauwe stad Chefchaouen? Sterren tellen ‘s nachts in de Saharawoestijn? Luisteren naar de oceaan in een pittoresk stadje langs de Atlantische kust? Ga met ons mee op de Hoogtepunten reis Marrokko.
Interesse, maar er nog niet aan toe een reis te boeken?
Dat is geen probleem. Meld je aan voor onze nieuwsbrief om updates te ontvangen over reizen in Marokko en informatie over aankomende reizen
In het kort
Dag 1: Aankomst in Casablanca
Welkom in Marokko!Wij halen je op van het vliegveld met je vervoer voor de reis; een mini-bus met airconditioning en een chauffeur. Wij brengen je naar je hotel zodat je kunt uitpakken en opfrissen.Afhankelijk van het tijdstip van aankomst is het misschien mogelijk om de wereldberoemde Hassan II Moskee te bezoeken.
Dag 2: De blauwe stad Chefchaouen
Na een goede nachtrust rijden we door het Rifgebergte en de Jbela-regio in onze minibus naar Chefchaouen. We zullen onderweg stoppen voor een lokale lunch.‘s Middags komen we aan op onze bestemming: Chefchaouen. Ook bekend als de ‘blauwe stad’ of Chaouen. Het is unieke een stad in het noordwesten van Marokko. Bekend om zijn gebouwen in blauwtinten. De stad werd in 1471 gesticht als een kleine kasbah (fort).Tijd om het pittoreske Chefchaouen en zijn rustige sfeer en frisse lucht te ontdekken.
Dag 3: Chefchaouen
Vandaag heb je de mogelijkheid om de zeer pittoreske en blauwe stad Chefchouaen te verkennen.Onze gids zal je van alles vertellen over dit prachtige stadje en we zullen door de straten dwalen en het centrale plein en de heilige bron bezoeken.
Dag 4: Via Meknes naar mystiek Fes
Yallah -zoals ze in Marokko zeggen- Laten we gaan!We rijden in totaal ongeveer 4 uur door het meest vruchtbare en gecultiveerde land van Marokko. Onderweg bezoeken we de archeologische vindplaats Volubilis. Volubilis, dat op de Werelderfgoedlijst staat, was ooit een provinciale Romeinse hoofdstad, een verre buitenpost van het rijk, en de overblijfselen ervan vormen onmiskenbaar een indrukwekkend gezicht.Na een bezoek aan Volubilis gaan we verder naar Meknes. Meknes is een van de vier keizerlijke steden van Marokko. In Meknes bezoeken we de oude poort en de graanschuur en genieten we van een heerlijke Marokkaanse lunch.In de middag rijden we verder naar Fes. Fes is het spirituele en culturele hart van Marokko; levendig, luidruchtig, fascinerend en overweldigend – een visueel feest voor de zintuigen – met een enorme, goed bewaard gebleven middeleeuwse oude stad (medina). Alsof je terug in de tijd stapt en in het verhaal van 1001-Nachten terecht komt.De oudste bibliotheek ter wereld is onlangs heropend in Fes. Deze bibliotheek –opgericht door een vrouw- is open voor bezoekers.
Dag 5 – Fes stadswandeling
Tijd om het levendige Fes te verkennen.Wist je dat de medina van Fes de grootste ter wereld is? Dit oude stadscentrum zal met zijn kleine steegjes en niets anders dan voetgangers en muilezels werkelijk betoverend zijn.We brengen een volledige dag door met het ontdekken van de oudste medina van Marokko, samen met een stadsgids. We wandelen wat rond en bezoeken de oudste nog werkende universiteit ter wereld.We bezoeken de koranschool, de leerlooierij, bewonderen hoe aardewerk met de hand wordt gemaakt en gaan naar het mausoleum van Moulay I Driss en genieten van het panoramische uitzicht over Fes.
Dag 6 – bezoek aan de Sahara Woestijn
We laten de intensiteit van de stad achter voor de eenvoud en de rust van het Midden-Atlasgebergte. We maken vandaag een lange rit van ongeveer 8 uur, door de indrukwekkende landschappen die Marokko te bieden heeft.Het gebied wordt bevolkt door rondtrekkende nomadische herders die hun kudden verzorgen. We rijden door cederbossen waar berberapen leven, de enige aap van Noord-Afrika. We passeren het Marokkaanse skigebied. Later zie je de canyons die ooit werden gevormd door lava en het land waar de smakelijke dadels groeien.Natuurlijk stoppen we regelmatig voor koffie en lunch, en om de prachtige uitzichten te bewonderen. Je verblijft in een hotel aan de grens met de Sahara.
Day g – Sahara Woestijn
Vandaag beginnen we vroeg. Maar met een goede reden!We zullen de adembenemende zonsopgang in de Sahara-woestijn beleven. Dit is een ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ ervaring die je niet wilt missen.De rest van de dag is een ontspannende dag aan het zwembad van uw hotel.
Dag 8 – De indrukwekkende Todra Gorge
Na het ervaren van de immense Sahara-woestijn, vervolgen we onze reis naar de indrukwekkende Todra-kloof. Een 300 meter diepe breuk splitst de oranje kalksteen in een diep ravijn op sommige punten net breed genoeg voor een kristalheldere rivier en trekkers met één rij om zich er doorheen te wurmen.We overnachten in een hotel in de buurt.
Dag 9 – Ait Benhaddou, de eeuwenoude stop voor karavaans
We beginnen de dag met een bezoek aan de Todra Gorge.De volgende stop is de stad Ouarzazate, voor een bezoek aan de oude filmstudio’s waar producties als Lawrence of Arabia, The Sheltering Sky en Black Hawk Down werden gefilmd.Vervolgens naar de volgende bestemming: Ait Benhaddou. Eeuwen geleden was dit een belangrijke halte voor karavanen die zout door de Sahara vervoerden. Tegenwoordig staat de grote kasbah, een mooi voorbeeld van klei-architectuur, op de Werelderfgoedlijst. Ait Benhaddou is ook bekend als Yunkai in Game of Thrones.We bezoeken de Kasbah en bewonderen het prachtige uitzicht vanaf de top.
Day 10 – Essaouira – een relaxed kuststadje
We rijden het Hoge Atlasgebergte uit. We gaan naar de kust; naar Essaouira. Deze relaxte kunstenaarsstad is een voormalige Portugese handelskolonie en was ooit de thuisbasis van omvangrijke Britse en Joodse bevolkingsgroepen.We komen aan in de vroege avond. U geniet van een diner met verse vis en andere heerlijke Marokkaanse gerechten. Ons verblijf zal in een riad zijn.
Dag 11 – Essaouira een stadswandeling en vrije tijd
Sta op voor een begeleide stadstour om het prachtige Essaouira en zijn rijke geschiedenis te ontdekken.Deze kleine stad ademt geschiedenis en cultureel erfgoed. Essaouira is de perfecte plek om te genieten van de Marokkaanse sfeer; met de traditionele soeks, de kleine winkeltjes en leuke restaurants met heerlijke verse vis. Een wandeling door de haven is een levendige ervaring; de prachtige blauwe vissersboten om naar te kijken en de verse vis die wordt verkocht, zijn een vrij pittoreske ervaring.‘S Middags heb je vrije tijd om te genieten en te ontspannen – je kunt door de stad dwalen of ontspannen op het strand. Of -optioneel- je kunt ‘s middags tijd doorbrengen met een lokaal gezin. Je bezoekt samen de lokale markt om ingrediënten te kopen en gaat samen met hen naar hun huis om te koken en deelt samen de heerlijke traditionele, samen klaargemaakte Marokkaanse maaltijd.
Dag 12 – Marrakech, de rode stad
Op naar de bruisende ‘Rode Stad’; Marrakech. Rijdend door het land van de arganbomen gaan we naar onze laatste stop: Marrakech.‘s Middag heb je vrije tijd om er zelf rond te dwalen. Misschien kun je je bij de menigte voegen voor een diner op het beroemde Djemaa el Fna-plein. Als de nacht op dit plein valt, verandert het in een drukke bijenkorf. Slangenbezweerders, henna-schilders, artiesten en verhalenvertellers delen het plein met een straatvoedselbazaar, vol met kraampjes vol met Marokkaanse delicatessen, waaronder slakkensoep.
Dag 13 – Marrakech, stadswandeling en vrije tijd
‘s Ochtends heb je een rondleiding door een van de stadsgidsen van Marrakech. Hij vertelt je alles over de traditionele soeks, het leven in de soeks en het handwerk dat je ziet.‘s Middags heb je vrije tijd voor je laatste souvenirs en ‘s avonds is er een afscheidsdiner met de groep.
Dag 14 – Marrakech
Je hebt vrije tijd in Marrakech en we brengen je naar de luchthaven voor je vlucht naar huis.Of je hebt de mogelijkheid om extra nachten te boeken en wat meer tijd door te brengen in het magische Marokko als verlengstuk van je Rondje Marokko reis.
Een 14-daagse reis die je meeneemt langs de hoogtepunten van Marokko
Start in Casablanca, bezoek steden als Fes, Rabat, Chefchaouen, Meknes, Essaouira en eindig in Marrakech (terug naar is Casablanca mogelijk)
Stadsrondleiding in Fes, Marrakech en Essaouira
Verblijf in de immense Sahara. Inclusief een kameelrit
Dwaal rond in de soeks van Marrakech en Fes
Bezoek de indrukwekkende Kasbah die op de Werelderfgoedlijst van UNESCO staat – Ait Benhaddou
Laat je verrassen door de prachtige, wilde natuur bij Todra Gorges
Just the Best! - Hassan was excellent- exceptional - engaging - alert - respectful- knowledgeable- and fun! He has an excellent sense of pace. He was scheduled AND spontaneous. He knew the things we... read more wanted to see AND the things we should see. He was thoughtful, kind, and endlessly pleasant. We would recommend him without hesitation.
SMFSanFran 25 april 2024
A land of beauty and adventure - Our travel guide Hassan Hisse is exceptional. He has the knowledge of the desert, the country and the people. He speaks several local and international languages which facilitate movement... read more and acceptability in many unusual settings and situations. He has a big heart as well, and really takes care of his group. We were in Marrekech during the earthquake last year with our tour, and he made sure we were safe and well cared for under extreme conditions. Hassan is truly an inspirational guide. Get him if you can!!
Mobile24420307775 18 april 2024
I hope you get this fantastic guide! - Hassan Hissan is the most remarkable guide I’ve ever had. He goes above and beyond for his tourists. For example my sister and I wanted to visit a particular place... read more nearby but not on the tour. He accompanied us on what should have been his evening down time. Hassan would stop on the roadside to have us meet everyday people which was invaluable to understanding the whole of Morocco, not just what tourists expect. He’d go out of his way to accommodate requests. Hassan’s encyclopedic knowledge of Morocco is presented in an engaging way and he encourages questions. In all my travels he’s by far the best guide I’ve ever had and made Morocco truly magical.
Lois R 17 april 2024
Hassan our tour guide, made this trip an amazing adventure. Aside from keeping us informed, entertained and safe, he did small things to enhance the trip experience. For example when... read more i mentioned that I wanted to cook a certain dish we were served, he went into the kitchen and had the chef come to my table and share the recipe! That and other small and large acts of thoughtfulness made the trip stellar!
barbarakO6038MS 24 april 2023
Hassan Hisse is a wonderrful guide, if you can get him. He knows EVERYBODY and seems to know the answers to everything. He will take great care of you.
David M 22 december 2022
In the spring of 2022 we traveled to Morocco with a group of friends. We explored Morocco from the High Atlas Mountains to the Sahara Desert, from the fascinating cities... read more with their gorgeous architecture and museums, to adventures riding camels in the desert and jeeps over the sand dunes. We have been on many trips worldwide, but our guide Hassan Hisse was the best ever! He was extremely knowledgeable, caring, friendly, and adaptable to the needs and interests of our group. Morocco was fabulous and Hassan made it extra special !!
richlM3936RV 9 december 2022
The Guide Makes all the Difference - Hassan Hissee brought the culture of Morocco to life. We went off the beaten path to have tea with a nomad family, spend a day in the life with... read more a family in the Atlas Mountains, visit with women who started a women’s cooperative, and talk with a woman medical student about challenges she faced. In addition to the varied landscape and interesting history, these are the experiences I will remember most.
michelle G 9 december 2022
A Magical Moroccan Adventure with Hassan - We toured Morocco for two weeks with Hassan, visiting Rabat, Fez, Marrakesh, Casablanca and the Sahara. Hassan, our trip leader, was engaging, inventive and attentive to all our needs, seamlessly... read more accommodating the plan to make room for special interests. Fluent in English, French, Arabic and Berber, he acted as an excellent translator when we visited families in Fez, Marrakesh and the Sahara. Thanks to Hassan, we felt we had as close as we could have gotten to a total immersion Moroccan experience.
Alice L 8 december 2022
Sahara Desert! - It’s an amazing trip that was carefully crafted to show us the colorful Morocco. It is an exotic experience with two story tall bird of paradise, starry night at Sahara... read more Desert, tranquil sand dune, spice souk, endless amazing mountain views, and interaction with locals. Our trip leader makes this a smooth and enjoyable trip. Highly recommended!
ALC_KC 8 december 2022
One of the best trips ever! - Hassan Hisse is the perfect guide!!! Our trip combined history, beauty, museums, gardens, mountains, souks (outdoor shopping malls), travel, home visits, dining experiences, desert trips & camel rides and... read more more. Hassan was so knowledgeable, personable, kind and went out of his way to make individual requests happen. Please request him for your trip. You will leave in awe of this beautiful country and self made young man.
Lois R 7 december 2022
An excellent Morocco experience with Hassan - I was very fortunate to have Hassan Hisse as a trip leader this past month in Morocco. Hassan shares his love of Morocco with such joy that every moment is... read more infused with history, culture, adventure, beauty and humor. He makes the adventure so delightful and is more than willing to go the extra mile to make the trip perfect for his travelers. I have traveled with many trip leaders, but none as knowledgeable and extraordinary as Hassan.
karenwY1456DL 7 december 2022
This tour company created an 11 day tour that was truly magical, from the High Atlas Mtns, to the Sahara, Fez, Essouria and much more. Our guide and driver were... read more fantastic, accomadating, kind and informative. The people we met along the way, the food and landscapes were definitely highlights of this trip. We would do it all again. We felt safe and taken care of throughout the tour. Thank you to Marjolein, Hassan, Elias and Mohammed !
John W 15 november 2022
The highlight of our trip was definitely the camel trek in the Sahara with a beautiful overnight stay in the desert camp.
John W 11 november 2022
Our Guide was really nice, he took care for the whole group and made us feel comfortable and happy. Thanks to him we learned a lot of the culture. We... read more had a great time!
suzano714 3 augustus 2022
The hike in the Atlas was stunning. Challenging but great, with generous local people when we stopped for a break. Besides that I had a lovely week full of activities... read more in Casablanca, Fez and Marrakech. Hassan took good care of us. We felt educated and also save.
JennekeU 31 juli 2022
Really an amazing experience.. we went through Casablanca Rabat Meknes Fes and Marrakech without any boring moment.. everything felt safe and taken care of :)
irisdG8653TD 31 juli 2022
The variety between Hassan the tourguide and the local tourguides was amazing. I learned a lot, every question i had was answered. The places we went to were amazing especially... read more Fes. There was a lot of fun and the trip had the possibility to do a lot of things or just exploring on your own. Hassan helped us with everything and made sure everyone was comfortable and had a good time!
clauxalida 31 juli 2022
Whole trip was magical...Hassan the guide was amazing, very humble,knowledgeable and took great care of us...night sky was amazing...Lovely trip, we will definitely go back again
saratH8505OK 7 juli 2022
This was my second visit to Morocco and now,thanks to our guide Hassan and his dedication,kindnes and willingnes to show us all parts of the country and the way of... read more life of its inhabitants,i saw all the beauty of kingdom of Moocco.
From bustling cities like Marakech and Essaouria,to the peace and tranquility offered by Sahara desert and mountainous regions.
Hassan had patience for all our requests and changes and with a smile on his face he solved everythingthat was needed to make us feel safe,comfortable and happy.
Thank you Haassan.
korinak615 4 juli 2022
Hassan was our guide for a week exploring Morocco. It was everything we could have asked for and even more. At first we did not know what this trip will... read more bring, but Hassan and his driver Mohamad provided excellent service. They showed us Morocco, introduced us to their culture, took us to beautiful places and most importantly took such a great care of us during the trip. Morocco is very safe place (did not know that before this trip), but with two of them we felt super safe. They seem to know everyone in Morocco!!!
Prior to coming, we have changed our itinerary 1001 time and Hassan always said it is ok.
We started our trip in Marrakech at a small and beautiful riad, followed by trip to desert, Atlas Mountain (must do) and finishing in Essaouria. Every place we went to was fantastic. Thank you Hassan for a magical trip and for choosing perfect places for us to stay.
Z2935XGgabip 1 juli 2022
My husband and I traveled on a seven day tour with our amazing tour guide Hassan and his very nice an attentive driver Mustafa.
Hassan made sure our trip was... read more truly Magical! We we're picked up at Marrakesh airport at 12.00 AM and taking to our Riad. We requested to begin our scheduled tour 3 days after arrival to allow us time to recover from our jet lag and 9 hours time difference, Hassan is very easy and gentle young men, he agreed to our schedule change and suggested couple walking city tours, for the next two days, we we're introduced to his professional and very knowledgeably team. We learned a lot of Marrakesh history, super interesting!
The Magical tour for seven days began, we we're picked up at the our Riad by Hassan and his driver Mustafa, a very nice, clean and spacious black SUV. the rest was truly a fantastic experience, Hassan is very knowledgeably of the countries history and his Amazigh heritage and people. He answered all our questions with great easy and sense of humor. He carefully chose the stops to make this trip enjoyable and easy on all of us, the main points of interest: Casablanca, Fes, here we spent 2 nights in a fabulous Riad and experience great service Ifrane, (known as little Switzerland ) we climbed to the Middle High Atlas Mountains and even experienced snowing... what a delightful surprised, we stopped in this small village, Hassan and my husband played throwing snow balls at each other, afterwards we enjoyed hot chocolate the best! On our way out we saw Barbary macaques off the road and stopped for pictures, we continued to the Sahara Desert... Mustafa is a very fun men and very skilled driver
We felt very secured and relaxed the entire time, by the time we reached our Sahara Camp we were all-ready friends and felt so comfortable in their company. The Great Sahara Desert appeared before our eyes we arrived to the camp at the golden hour, where we stayed at the most beautiful Glamping site. (glamorous camping) true to it's name. We we're tired for we had travel all day, however, with all the beautiful sites and the hardy laughter it was not monotonous at any time. After a good nights rest we had a great breakfast, went for an outing to surrounding camps and visited with Nomad families, quite interesting to see how content they live, they warmly invited us to their guest tent and offered their wonderful mint tea. Finally, it was our great moment ridding the Camels and enjoy the glorious Sahara Desert! The Camels are very easy and gentle we got great
instructions and help, so it went very smoothly, carefully planned at Sunset, as a photographer I truly appreciated the timing... Spectacular, fun and breathtaking. Altogether a great experienced, the temperatures for this time of the year (March) is warm during the day with temperatures dropping at night. One of the best travel experience my husband and I have had, Morocco is a melting pot of great people, they are hospitable, kind and very welcoming to tourism. I can tell you that Hassan and his team at the camp will give you their attention and care for your every need from beginning to end. On our way back we took another route that kept our interest and and felt as a total bonus, we stopped at another Riad for a good night's rest in the morning, Hassan brought coffee to our room and later we met fro breakfast, afterwards we took a short and pleasant a nature walk, next day we continue our way back to Marrakesh, Hassan made sure we visited a wonderful Amazigh museum, we stopped at open markets and bought fruits, nuts, dry figs and plenty of dates... delicious.
Morocco has so much to offer with its an abundance of fruits, flower,vegetables, spices and of course all the beautiful handmade traditional Moroccan outfits and artisan industry, we bought a lot of souvenirs and enjoyed the great food.
Travel Magical Morocco truly delivers the Magic we highly recommend Hassan and his great team
afra502 2 april 2022
My recent trip to Morocco with my wife was the trip of a lifetime. Let me explain that I am 84, and I have lived and traveled all over the... read more world. With Morocco, I have now been to every continent on Earth except for Antarctica. I was born, raised, and educated in Sweden. I lived and worked in Europe. I moved to and became a citizen of the USA. I have traveled to most of Europe, China, Australia, New Zealand, the Galapagos Islands and Ecuador: you name it. I’ve seen the Wonders of the World. I consider this one the trip of a lifetime, though, because of the opportunity to have met, sung, and eaten with and volunteered to serve the Moroccan people in their villages, in their homes, away from the tourist hotspots. I have never been anywhere else where the people – every man, woman, and child – were as warm, hospitable, and good-hearted as the people of Morocco. I do believe that they are the greatest tourist attraction and economic resource of the nation. If it were not for our superior guide, Hassan Hisse, there is no way we would have had the same chances. We are forever in his debt.
jansA6335VP 21 maart 2022
Short getaway to a beautiful, picturesque village in the Atlas Mountains - Tighza. Hassan was my guide who was very professional and an amazing person. The trip was beyond... read more my expectations. Accommodation was at the Riad Kasbah Oliver which is a family run business, my room was comfortable with the best view of the valley & area. I highly recommend booking a trip with Travel Magical Morocco if you want to have great time with beautiful memories of Morocco. Would also like to thank Mohammad for his safe driving throughout the trip.
Voyage740671 16 maart 2022
This is the third tour I have booked with Hassan as a guide. He is the only guide I hire when I visit Morocco. His professionalism, attention to detail, knowledge... read more about a wide range of subjects, fun-loving personality, and spirit of adventure made this trip to Fes, Chefchaouen, and Tangier a perfect getaway. Highly recommend
R1598AYellenh 13 maart 2022
Hassan is amazing guide an person! He thought me
a lot and made me feel comfortable and safe! It was a great experience and I wish go to Morocco again... read more soon!
946prism 9 maart 2022
Hassan is one of the best guides I've ever been on trip with. He knows everything about the village, but also about things you'll pass along the way like the... read more nature and surroundings. He introduces you to the history and culture of his people which is amazing to hear, since he's also a pretty incredible story teller. Besides that he's very kind and makes you feel comfortable instantly.
The trip was arranged in all detail so you will not need to think about a thing yourself, everything will be taken care of; from pick up to drop off, food, etc.
I highly recommend going on trip with Travel Magical Morocco!! You'll have a great time for sure:) I hope to be back soon and travel again with Hassan!
W2888OEirenev 28 november 2021
The favorite part is effort of our guide Hassan Hiss who show us his culture and his beautiful country and people with so much passion.
Dada0907 22 november 2021
What can I say apart from awesome! From making enquires to the pick up....all smooth! Yassin our driver was careful and considerate at all times! Mohammed our guide, just made... read more everything come alive! A young Berber local who is enthusiastic about his country and his culture! This is what travelling is all about! Take a chance and I assure you, you won't regret it!
Ocdnomag 27 februari 2020
This was one of the best week's away I have ever experienced, action packed, visually stunning, an elixir for all the senses. Sights; stunning scenary everywhere you look, the majestic... read more sunrises and sunsets and the hustle and bustle of the medina markets which I loved. Sounds; of street performers, market sellers, calls to prayer, laughter at the dinner table and the unmistakable bleats and rumbles of the camels as they took us on our Sahara trek. Wonderful aromas, of spices, fragrant oils, roasted Argan nuts and fresh rose products from Rose Valley, and touch too with the Sahara desert between your toes whilst walking and camel riding across the dunes, fantastic experiences. But fudamentally, what made this trip away so enjoyable for me (other than being able to escape the wet and windy weather in England in December and experiencing all and more of what I have tried to portray above) was getting to know my fellow tavellers who came from all over the globe and to have the chance to interact with the very friendly Moroccon people where ever we were, including the wonderful Hassan our tour guide who never failed to make us feel special, welcome and valued; wise, knowledgable and always there to help and share his wealth of experience and insight into Moroccan culture and traditions. Thank you Hassan. Without hesitation a 5 star experience.
Bruce123B 21 december 2019
What made this trip superb...beside the experience of traveling in Morocco....was our most remarkable guide. Hassan Hisse was simply exceptional in every way. I have traveled a... read more great deal in my life largely related to work and have always been allergic to the very thought of a group trip. This was my first such trip and if Hassan were my guide I would never hesitate to do it again. He is smart as a whip about his country; his physical agility , his sensitivity and seemingly effortless ability to understand the special needs and the limitations of what was basically a middle aged assemblage of people was stunning and singular. And all this was underscored by Hassan’s wonderful sense of humor and the speed with which he adjusted to the cultural differences within the groups One more note: as we toured various sites I overheard the leader of another group explaining in the most unenthused and rote fashion what they were seeing. Hearing this I realized once more just how lucky we were to have Hassan as the person who introduced us to Morocco
Wil je meer van Marokko zien dan alleen de grote stad? Wil je er even tussenuit om wat meer te ontdekken? Ga met ons mee naar de Tigzha Vallei in het Hoge Atlasgebergte. Je wordt overweldigd door de kalme en serene vallei en zijn gastvrije inwoners. Een reis om nooit te vergeten!
Jibel Saghro avontuur op afstand - Jebel Saghro is een desolaat berggebied in het zuidoosten van Marokko achter de Hoge Altas en naast de Sahara woestijn. Er zijn indrukwekkende rotsformaties en een afwisselend landschap. Wandelen in Jebel Saghro, een verlaten berggebied in Marokko. Het prachtige afgelegen landschap zal je verbazen en je kunt het eenvoudige leven ervaren; doe een stap terug en ga terug naar de basis!
Marokko Cultuur en Erfgoed Tour vanuit Marrakech 11 dagen, Verken prachtige, historische steden, indrukwekkende bergen, de Chefchaouen Blue-stad, de magische Sahara-woestijn en ontdek het grootste deel van Marokko!