Tigzha Vallei, ervaar het lokale bergleven – 3 Daagse Trip

Tigzha Vallei, ervaar het lokale bergleven – 3 Daagse Trip



  • Een 3-daagse reis die je ‘back to basic’ brengt en je inzicht geeft in het plattelandsleven van de Amazigh (Berber) in Marokko
  • halve dag wandelen (makkelijk-matig niveau)
  • Een bezoek aan de verlaten Telouet Kasbah (een Arabisch fort dat voorheen werd bewoond door de ‘heer van de Atlas’)
  • Thee drinken bij een lokaal gezin
  • Geweldig uitzicht, prachtige natuur, rust en vrede, en veel frisse lucht


Wat kun je verwachten?

  • Ophalen en afzetten in Marrakesh
  • Reis van 3 dagen (2 nachten)
  • De groep wordt begeleid door een lokale gids. Engels- of Franstalig.
  • Ontbijt, lunch en diner zijn inbegrepen
  • Verblijf in een gite (landelijk Marokkaans hotel)

Over deze reis

Wil je meer van Marokko zien dan alleen de grote stad? Wil je er even tussenuit om wat meer te ontdekken? Ga met ons mee naar de Tigzha Vallei in het Hoge Atlasgebergte. Je wordt overweldigd door de kalme en serene vallei en zijn gastvrije inwoners. Een reis om nooit te vergeten!
Reiscode: WT-CODE 10927

*vanaf 360 €

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Dag 1: Marrakech naar Tighza - 4x4 Rit

We halen je op van je hotel in Marrakech of de luchthaven en rijden in een minibusje of 4 × 4 naar de Tigzha-vallei. Tijdens de reis zullen we verschillende stops maken en lunchen in de buurt van Télouet Kasbah, een verlaten Kasbah die toebehoorde aan de familie Glaoui, ooit de heersers van het Hoge Atlasgebergte.

In de namiddag komen we aan bij onze gite waar we zullen dineren en overnachten

Trekking in Tighza village Morocco

Dag 2: wandelen en thee drinken

Vandaag beginnen we met een wandeling van een paar uur door de Tigzha-vallei, begeleid door een Frans- of Engels sprekende lokale gids. Geniet van de prachtige natuur en rust van dit gebied.

In de middag drinken we thee bij een lokaal gezin. We genieten van een huisgemaakt diner in de gite.

Walking in Tighza Valley

Dag 3: Tighza en Marrakech - bezoek aan Argan coöperatie

We keren terug naar Marrakech. Onderweg kunnen we verschillende stops maken om souvenirs te kopen of een van de Argan coöperaties te bezoeken.

Lokale vrouwen beheren argancoöperaties waar ze arganolie en producten op basis van arganolie produceren en verkopen om in hun eigen inkomen te voorzien. Dit is de beste plek om arganproducten te kopen.

Zodra we terug zijn in Marrakech, brengen we je naar je hotel of de luchthaven.


  • Een 3-daagse reis die je ‘back to basic’ brengt en je inzicht geeft in het plattelandsleven van de Amazigh (Berber) in Marokko
  • halve dag wandelen (makkelijk-matig niveau)
  • Een bezoek aan de verlaten Telouet Kasbah (een Arabisch fort dat voorheen werd bewoond door de ‘heer van de Atlas’)
  • Thee drinken bij een lokaal gezin
  • Geweldig uitzicht, prachtige natuur, rust en vrede, en veel frisse lucht


Wat kun je verwachten?

  • Ophalen en afzetten in Marrakesh
  • Reis van 3 dagen (2 nachten)
  • De groep wordt begeleid door een lokale gids. Engels- of Franstalig.
  • Ontbijt, lunch en diner zijn inbegrepen
  • Verblijf in een gite (landelijk Marokkaans hotel)
  • Volledige escorte: volledig begeleid door een lokale berggids, Frans of Engels sprekend
  • Alle maaltijden: inclusief ontbijt, lunch en diner
  • Vervoer: minibus of 4 × 4 transfers van de luchthaven / hotel in Marrakech naar de Tizgha-vallei en terug
  • Indicatieve prijs vanaf 4 personen
  • Breng goede wandelschoenen en een laken
  • Reisverzekering
  • Drankjes en items van persoonlijke aard
  • Fooien
  • star rating  Just the Best! - Hassan was excellent- exceptional - engaging - alert - respectful- knowledgeable- and fun! He has an excellent sense of pace. He was scheduled AND spontaneous. He knew the things we... read more

    avatar thumb SMFSanFran
    25 april 2024

    star rating  A land of beauty and adventure  - Our travel guide Hassan Hisse is exceptional. He has the knowledge of the desert, the country and the people. He speaks several local and international languages which facilitate movement... read more

    avatar thumb Mobile24420307775
    18 april 2024

    star rating  I hope you get this fantastic guide!  - Hassan Hissan is the most remarkable guide I’ve ever had. He goes above and beyond for his tourists. For example my sister and I wanted to visit a particular place... read more

    avatar thumb Lois R
    17 april 2024
  • star rating  Hassan our tour guide, made this trip an amazing adventure. Aside from keeping us informed, entertained and safe, he did small things to enhance the trip experience. For example when... read more

    24 april 2023

    star rating  Hassan Hisse is a wonderrful guide, if you can get him. He knows EVERYBODY and seems to know the answers to everything. He will take great care of you.

    avatar thumb David M
    22 december 2022

    star rating  In the spring of 2022 we traveled to Morocco with a group of friends. We explored Morocco from the High Atlas Mountains to the Sahara Desert, from the fascinating cities... read more

    avatar thumb richlM3936RV
    9 december 2022
  • star rating  The Guide Makes all the Difference - Hassan Hissee brought the culture of Morocco to life. We went off the beaten path to have tea with a nomad family, spend a day in the life with... read more

    michelle G
    9 december 2022

    star rating  A Magical Moroccan Adventure with Hassan - We toured Morocco for two weeks with Hassan, visiting Rabat, Fez, Marrakesh, Casablanca and the Sahara. Hassan, our trip leader, was engaging, inventive and attentive to all our needs, seamlessly... read more

    Alice L
    8 december 2022

    star rating  Sahara Desert! - It’s an amazing trip that was carefully crafted to show us the colorful Morocco. It is an exotic experience with two story tall bird of paradise, starry night at Sahara... read more

    8 december 2022
  • star rating  One of the best trips ever! - Hassan Hisse is the perfect guide!!! Our trip combined history, beauty, museums, gardens, mountains, souks (outdoor shopping malls), travel, home visits, dining experiences, desert trips & camel rides and... read more

    Lois R
    7 december 2022

    star rating  An excellent Morocco experience with Hassan - I was very fortunate to have Hassan Hisse as a trip leader this past month in Morocco. Hassan shares his love of Morocco with such joy that every moment is... read more

    7 december 2022

    star rating  This tour company created an 11 day tour that was truly magical, from the High Atlas Mtns, to the Sahara, Fez, Essouria and much more. Our guide and driver were... read more

    avatar thumb John W
    15 november 2022
  • star rating  The highlight of our trip was definitely the camel trek in the Sahara with a beautiful overnight stay in the desert camp.

    avatar thumb John W
    11 november 2022

    star rating  Our Guide was really nice, he took care for the whole group and made us feel comfortable and happy. Thanks to him we learned a lot of the culture. We... read more

    3 augustus 2022

    star rating  The hike in the Atlas was stunning. Challenging but great, with generous local people when we stopped for a break. Besides that I had a lovely week full of activities... read more

    31 juli 2022
  • star rating  Really an amazing experience.. we went through Casablanca Rabat Meknes Fes and Marrakech without any boring moment.. everything felt safe and taken care of :)

    31 juli 2022

    star rating  The variety between Hassan the tourguide and the local tourguides was amazing. I learned a lot, every question i had was answered. The places we went to were amazing especially... read more

    31 juli 2022

    star rating  Whole trip was magical...Hassan the guide was amazing, very humble,knowledgeable and took great care of us...night sky was amazing...Lovely trip, we will definitely go back again

    7 juli 2022
  • star rating  This was my second visit to Morocco and now,thanks to our guide Hassan and his dedication,kindnes and willingnes to show us all parts of the country and the way of... read more

    4 juli 2022

    star rating  Hassan was our guide for a week exploring Morocco. It was everything we could have asked for and even more. At first we did not know what this trip will... read more

    1 juli 2022

    star rating  My husband and I traveled on a seven day tour with our amazing tour guide Hassan and his very nice an attentive driver Mustafa.
    Hassan made sure our trip was... read more

    2 april 2022
  • star rating  My recent trip to Morocco with my wife was the trip of a lifetime. Let me explain that I am 84, and I have lived and traveled all over the... read more

    21 maart 2022

    star rating  Short getaway to a beautiful, picturesque village in the Atlas Mountains - Tighza. Hassan was my guide who was very professional and an amazing person. The trip was beyond... read more

    16 maart 2022

    star rating  This is the third tour I have booked with Hassan as a guide. He is the only guide I hire when I visit Morocco. His professionalism, attention to detail, knowledge... read more

    13 maart 2022
  • star rating  Hassan is amazing guide an person! He thought me
    a lot and made me feel comfortable and safe! It was a great experience and I wish go to Morocco again... read more

    9 maart 2022

    star rating  Hassan is one of the best guides I've ever been on trip with. He knows everything about the village, but also about things you'll pass along the way like the... read more

    28 november 2021

    star rating  The favorite part is effort of our guide Hassan Hiss who show us his culture and his beautiful country and people with so much passion.

    22 november 2021
  • star rating  What can I say apart from awesome! From making enquires to the pick up....all smooth! Yassin our driver was careful and considerate at all times! Mohammed our guide, just made... read more

    27 februari 2020

    star rating  This was one of the best week's away I have ever experienced, action packed, visually stunning, an elixir for all the senses. Sights; stunning scenary everywhere you look, the majestic... read more

    21 december 2019

    star rating  What made this trip superb...beside the experience of traveling in Morocco....was our most remarkable guide. Hassan Hisse was simply exceptional in every way. I have traveled a... read more

    28 oktober 2019

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750 €

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